Simple Living, Christian Style

Thank you for visiting my blog! In this place, we will discuss the simpler things in life. The simple things that God touches me and you with every day. I hope you enjoy it and comment often. I am here to listen.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday?

I recently spoke to a five-year-old boy about Easter. What it is. What it's all about.

He told me it was when the Easter Bunny comes and we go Easter egg hunting.

This was in a church class.

He had no idea that Easter had anything to do with Jesus.

My heart melted. I realized this little boy -- who Jesus cherishes so much -- had no idea what his Savior gave up for him on the first Good Friday. The thing that made this Friday truly Good. When God gave His only Son that we -- sinful, prideful, arrogant, and undeserving -- may have everlasting life.

Without Jesus' blood shed for our sins, we would not have Christianity and we would not have a new life in Christ.

Many "gods" have been born. They've supposedly walked on the earth. They all died. But only one came back to life. Jesus Christ. Who came back and revealed himself to not only his disciples and close friends, but to more than 500 people. Wow. To be there on that day when this man, beaten, bruised and hung on a cross, who I'd seen wrapped in funeral cloths and placed in a tomb, walked among us. Spoke to us and even let me put my doubting fingers in his wounds.

That He gave His life for me.

That is what Easter, and Christianity, is all about.

Happy Easter, everyone.


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