I seem to be a spewer. When I get mad or frustrated, I come unleashed. I yell, vent, and say some ugly things. And, if I don't say them, I'm most likely thinking them.
Anger is a nasty, nasty thing.
In November, our pastor spoke on the Seven Deadly Sins. And, yet again my eyes were opened to just how human and unworthy I am. I'm not writing today to get us all depressed about how grumpy we can be at times. I am writing to help us all with some little frustrations that make us less of the Simple Living Christian we try our best to be.
The Bible does not speak too highly of anger (major understatement). Ecclesiastes 7:9 states, "Don't let your spirit rush to be angry, for anger abides in the heart of fools." I definitely don't want to be considered a fool. Do you?
Proverbs 14:17 explains that "Fools have quick tempers, and no one likes you if you can't be trusted." And the kicker for me:
Spouting off before listening to the facts is both shameful and foolish. ~ Proverbs 18:13
This one was a double-whammy Ouch! for me.
So, today we will look at some simple ways to curb our anger.
First, let's look at the frustrator. (That would make us the frustratee) :o)
For me, it's my little white puffball. Do not let his sweet little picture fool you. I tell him often, "Thank God you're cute!" He has a way of getting on my very last nerve. I've been told by numerous people throughout my life that I must have the patience of Job. But, for some reason with my sweet little doggie, I can't seem to control my temper at time. Let's just say he has a few psychological doggy issues such as barking incessantly to get my attention and flat out throwing a temper tantrum when he doesn't get a carrot fast enough. The Dog Whisperer would be utterly ashamed at how well-trained my dog has me. Sorry, Cesar. ;o)
Anyway, he gets me boiling sometimes. So, these are my new steps to turn my anger into dancing and turn my weeping into joy.
1. Pray. Simple right? But, in the midst of anger, this is the last thing I think of doing. From now on, I will turn to God first.
2. Breathe. I will take three deep breaths as I pray and tune out the barking.
3. Love. Remember how much I love my Little Man regardless of what he is doing right now.
4. Have carrots ready. LOL
At times I feel this is a dress rehearsal for when I have children. Lord, help me. LOL
So, I pray God's peace flows over all of you. That your anger is extinguished, and that God's glory can and will be seen in every situation. Even with an OCD dog, crazy drivers, or teenagers. :oP
As James puts it, "My dearly beloved brothers, understand this: everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for man's anger does not accomplish God's righteousness." (Chapter 1, vs. 19-20)
To be used by Him,
Good article. Sometimes anger feels soooo good, but love your last line. ...for man's anger does not accomplish God's righteousness.
How true and a good thing to remember.
HaHaHa - the word verification for my p[ost was -- rediss.
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