Simple Living, Christian Style

Thank you for visiting my blog! In this place, we will discuss the simpler things in life. The simple things that God touches me and you with every day. I hope you enjoy it and comment often. I am here to listen.

Friday, March 28, 2008

I love Yiddish

I love the way Yiddish swooshes around in my mouth. The relief I feel when the words pour out. How much better I feel when I yell, "Meshuga!" Why? I don't know. It doesn't even have to pertain to the situation. It flows off my tongue. The strength of the "m." The sureness of the "sh." The harshness of the "ga." Meshuga! It's crazy!'s meshuga!

Today, I'll share some Yiddish words from this week's e-mails from

For all you word-nerds like me, don't miss out and sign up for the daily newsletter. Expand your vocabulary and enrich your mind. :o)

This week's theme: Words from Yiddish.

schlump (shlump) noun

A dull or slovenly person.

[From Yiddish shlumperdik (unkempt, sloppy).]

meshuga or meshugga (muh-SHOOG-uh) adjective

Crazy; stupid.

schnook (shnook) noun

A stupid, easily deceived person.


Margo Carmichael said...

Cool blog, Dawn. I'll put your link on my glog.

Don't forget "mishpochah"! It means family. Like, us believers.

Hugs, mishpochah,


Margo Carmichael said...

I'll put your link on my "glog"? Hey, I speak a little Yiddish! Don't expect me to speak English too! LOL