Simple Living, Christian Style

Thank you for visiting my blog! In this place, we will discuss the simpler things in life. The simple things that God touches me and you with every day. I hope you enjoy it and comment often. I am here to listen.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Juicy Blogging

In Genesis 1:1, God created the heavens and the earth. In Genesis 1:27, it says that God created man (us) in his own image. In His own image He created us. We are a product of the Greatest Creator and in us, He has instilled the ability and the desire to create. Whether it be in art, music, writing, basketball or gymnastics, God has placed in each of us the need to bring something new to the world just as He did so long ago.

All of us have "creativeness" within us. For some, it is buried deep within our soul aching to get out. For others, it is floating somewhere near the service looking for direction on the road map of Things To Do. And, yet for others it is a free flowing waterfall cleansing the world with its beauty.

I want to introduce you to one of my favorite authors. SARK dispenses her wisdom, kindness and creativeness through books and speaking engagements across the country. She is truly gifted as an encourager, and I urge you to pick up her newest book Juicy Pens, Thirsty Paper today. I don't have a copy yet, but I promise you it is on my Christmas list!

SARK is truly an inspiration to me, my art and my writing. I hope I have the chance to meet her in person one day. She is an absolute blessing, and God has used her to open up my road blocks and allow the creativeness to flow.

May God inspire you today to fulfill your dreams, encourage others, and create, create, create for His glory!

God bless~

DMM :o)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Creative Coupon Clipping

With school starting soon, I know school supplies is a big issue for families right now. My friend Tawra offers some great reader comments and advice on her blog, Tawra's Tightwad Tips, Tawra is the person behind one of my favorite simple living sites, Living On a Dime. I interviewed Tawra for an article on simple living for Focus on the Family. Tawra is not only a great person, but she is an inspiration to me on my simple living crusade.

Special note: The Walgreens in my area has phenomenal coupons for 9 cent items. That's right! I said 9 cents! Pencils, folders and other school supplies are on sale with the coupon.

Coupons are an integral tool to save some much needed cash. But, I found out that there are rules and techniques that you must adhere to or your money-saving potential flies out the window right along with your cash.

First, don't buy something just because you have a coupon for it. If you family never eats tuna fish, yet you stocked up and bought 15 cans at a great price, what is the benefit here? (Besides being able to donate it to a food pantry.) If you fall into this trap with perishable goods, then all you have is a decaying mess in your cabinet. Stick to the things you and your family like to eat. That is where the savings count.

Second, be careful with the "buy one, get one free" campaign. This is often a great bargain, but on occasion the price of the item may have been increased to accommodate the sale. For example, I saw those wonderful and ever-useful grill lighters at a local supermarket marked as "buy one, get one free." The price: $3. Good deal? Not if you go to the dollar store where they are $1 each. Watch the original prices of merchandise. How much are the lighters when they are not on sale? A bargain is not always a bargain.

Third, I know for me, buying a newspaper turned out to be a total waste of cash. I never get around to reading it no matter my best intentions, and all I do is clip some coupons out of it. More often than not, the money I would save from my creative coupon clipping did not even cover the price of the newspaper. So, guess what? I spent more in the end in an attempt to save. My mother's friend solved this problem for me. She loves to get the newspaper, so when she clips coupons, she keeps an eye out for items she thinks we will like. She is so wonderful. She brings me soy milk coupons, veggie burger coupons, and all the dog food and cat food coupons she can find. This way, the coupons are being put to good use, my family saves some money and my mom's friend gets the total use out of her Sunday newspaper. A win-win situation. If you have friends who would like to join you on your quest for simple living, form a Coupon Exchange. It's a fun way to get together over coffee and danish (bought with a coupon of course) and trade coupons before they expire.

Fourth, I've never seen this anywhere but at my small-town library (I love living in a small town.), but they have a coupon basket at the front door as their Coupon Exchange. I always grab coupons for disinfecting wipes when I'm there and leave behind any coupons that I received from friends that I don't feel I'll get around to using.

I hope this creative coupon clipping tips help you on your way to Simple Living, Christian Style. Saty tuned for tips and tricks to keep your life simpler and your cash where it belongs--safely in your pocket.

Take care and God bless!


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sometimes It's Hard

Proverbs 11:24 (NIV)

One man gives freely, yet gains even more;
another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.

Wow. When I heard these words, a weight was lifted from my heart. How simple they are. God's word shows us how easy it is. When you give freely, you gain much. This is what I've been praying about all along. To give freely in time, money, love, everything that God wants me to give to be more like-minded and kind-hearted. To better be His light on earth.

How I pray to be free to give yet my humanness holds on to selfish ideals and society's decision that mine is mine but you have to share yours. When do I get to the point that it doesn't sting in my heart when I give away my last piece of bread? When will I not feel the "want" anymore?

As I work this all out alongside you, I find myself consumed with thoughts of my families finances. Money. I find it hard not to dwell on it, especially when it doesn't seem like I have enough. I feel a lot of people have this same problem. Especially those who do not know our Father at all. I live in God's word yet still find it hard to grab on to His promises at times. Life is hard. That's for sure. But with God, I have hope.

Even the strongest, most faithful Christians fall into the "want" pit. It is easy to do and hard to claw your way out of.

When I read Proverbs 11:24, it all hit home.

How often had I been the one withholding unduly? I suffer from what I recently discovered is referred to as the spirit of want. I come from a long line of spirit of wanters. We hoard our money, our food and our love. I was trained to do it, and it is well-ingrained in my spirit. But, today, if front of all of you, I set it all free and release it to God. I will give freely and gain much in the Lord.

Give freely. Share freely. Hug freely. Love others as Jesus loves them. Ask for God's discernment and provision. He will provide. Be God's beacon of light to His world. He is our precious Father showering us with kisses from heaven. He is singing over you right now.

Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)
17 The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."

Thank you, Father, for opening up your world to me. How simple it is to be in Your heart, to be loved by You. So simple.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Patience - Tip of the Week

Last week we reviewed God's teachings on patience found throughout the pages of the old and new testaments. Today, we will revisit it and apply it to our finances.

Yes, I know. I just made a lot of enemies. :o) But, this is where--more so than any area in our lives it seems--we lose patience like we lose that crazy sock that goes into the washer and never comes out. Where does that sock go anyway?

Patience, for me, is a lackluster, anxiety-ridden roller coaster. At times, I am very patient swooshing along the curves with ease. Other times, I am a screaming mess plummeting back to earth at 70 miles per hour. But with God's help (and tests), I am dealing with my patience better every day. (Thank you, God!)

Today, I will share a lesson I learned on impatient purchases-- those spontaneous "must-have" purchases that neither I, nor my budget, planned to make. The $8 perfect black shirt. The greatest skirt I have ever seen! That DVD that I must own and watch every day for a month.

Music. Gaming gear. Books (my favorite temptation). Lattes. We all have that thing we have to have right now. But, when your finances say no, and bills can't be paid because you had to have a latte every day, then patience must become our friend.

Patience is not a bad thing. We just don't like it. No one likes it. It means not having what we want exactly when we want it. But is that how God meant for it to be? Immediate gratification?

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6-7 (New International Version)

Apply patience to your finances. Set a time limit. A week. A month. Three months. However long you choose. And, wait. Does that new car with the high interest rate still seem like a good decision? Do you still need that new stereo system? Even though it is a great deal?

Or could that money be used elsewhere? Pay down a debt? Save for a rainy day? Or even to bless God's children? A little could mean a whole lot to your future or to someone else's.

Be patient with your money. And remember the old adage: If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.